Original Exhibition Title: When I see the future, I close my eyes: Chapter II Germany Berlin 2023 43 English English, German

In a nutshell

In When I see the future, I close my eyes: Chapter II, Heba Y. Amin critically explores the intersection of colonialism, technology, and modern warfare, drawing attention to the lingering effects of these forces on contemporary society. Through installations, photography, and reconstructions, Amin revisits historical moments, such as early colonial photography and WWII landmines in Egypt, to highlight how visual and technological tools have been used to exert control and perpetuate violence. The exhibition asks us to reflect on how these past dynamics continue to shape narratives of power and oppression, urging us to confront the neocolonial tendencies of today’s technologies.

Why should you watch this?

This exhibition is essential for gaining a deeper understanding of how colonial histories and technological advancements continue to shape global power dynamics today. In a world increasingly dominated by digital surveillance, militarization, and the exploitation of resources, Heba Y. Amin’s works offer critical insights into how these tools are rooted in historical forms of oppression. The tour provides context to complex pieces that tackle everything from colonial photography to nuclear fallout, showing how these past events resonate with current issues like digital authoritarianism and neocolonialism. At a time when technology is both a tool for liberation and control, this exhibition is especially relevant, helping us reconsider the role of visual culture in framing our collective future.


Anthony Downey


Anthony Downey is a Professor of Visual Culture in the Middle East and North Africa at Birmingham City University, focusing on contemporary visual cultures, postcolonial theory, digital methodologies, and AI. He is the Cultural Lead and Co-Investigator on the AHRC-funded project Disability Under Siege, which aims to enhance educational and cultural provision for children with disabilities in Lebanon and the Occupied Palestinian Territories. Downey is an editor for several peer-reviewed journals, including Third Text and Journal of Digital War, and is the series editor for Research/Practice.

Heba Y. Amin


Heba Y. Amin is an Egyptian artist whose work explores the intersections of politics, technology, and architecture. Through extensive research, she critiques techno-utopian concepts and the political power embedded in landscapes. Amin is the Visual Arts Curator for Mizna and co-founder of the Black Athena Collective. She gained attention for subversive graffiti on the Homeland set. Currently, she teaches digital and time-based art at ABK Stuttgart and lectures at Bard College Berlin.

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