“A” fell down, “B” is gone. Glossary of Soviet censorship. Censorship practices in the USSR from the first to the last day of the Soviet authorities
“Heart of a Dog” : Adventures of a Banned Book. A Monstrous Story
“Your Feedback is Very Important for Us”
Actually, the Dead Are Not Dead. Una forma de ser | Introduction
Agitprop Trains
Alexander Grinberg. Movement. 1920s
Anthropocene Island: The TAB 2017
Augury of Cosmos
Bauhaus – Shanghai – Stalinallee – Ha-Neu. The life of architect Richard Paulick, 1903–1979
Clemens von Wedemeyer – Mehrheiten [Majorities]
CLUBS of the FUTURE. Common Spaces in Transitional Societies
From Kerenkа to Sovznak: Money and Revolution
GASTEV. How to Work
Haim Sokol. Testimony
History of the Photo Club “Riga”
HOW TO SURVIVE – Art as Survival Strategy | with Valérie Favre & Carina Plath
HOW TO SURVIVE – Art as Survival Strategy | with Jean-Pascal Flavien & Carina Plath
HOW TO SURVIVE – Art as Survival Strategy | with Paula Schwerdtfeger
HOW TO SURVIVE – Art as Survival Strategy | with Carina Plath
Human Condition. Session III. “Time And Senses”: Trauma, Memory, Oblivion, Knowledge. Exhibition “The Haunted House”
If our soup can could speak: Mikhail Lifshitz and the Soviet Sixties
Implicit Modernism. Roman Babichev’s Collection. Part I.
Implicit Modernism. Roman Babichev’s Collection. Part II.
Katrin Nenasheva. Between Here and There: Stories of City Isolations
Klaus Staeck. Sand for the Gears
Maya Schweizer – Voices
Mikhail Grachev. Soviet Daily Life. 1930s—1960s
Museum Choreography
Nautilus – Snails, Shells, and Mollusks in Photography
Nicholas Roerich. Sanctuaries and Citadels
Nissky. Horizon
Notes from the Underground. Art and Alternative Music in Eastern Europe 1968-1994
Only by faith! On the occasion of the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation
Raqs Media Collective. Everything Else is Ordinary
Revolved Revolutions. On the occasion of centenary of the Great October Socialist Revolution
Sergiy Bratkov. My Brother’s Cats | Curatorial Introduction
Sergiy Bratkov. My Brother’s Cats | Immersive Artist Tour
TIME FOR OUTRAGE! Art in Times of Social Anger | Discrimination
TIME FOR OUTRAGE! Art in Times of Social Anger | Feminism
TIME FOR OUTRAGE! Art in Times of Social Anger | Introduction
TIME FOR OUTRAGE! Art in Times of Social Anger | Postcolonialism
TIME FOR OUTRAGE! Art in Times of Social Anger | Protest
TIME FOR OUTRAGE! Art in Times of Social Anger | Right-wing Shift
TIME FOR OUTRAGE! Art in Times of Social Anger | Trumpism
Tobias Zielony. Maskirovka [Concealment]
Train Arrival
Vasily Ulitin. Elegy
Victoria Lomasko. Other Russias
Vladimir Bogdanov. Retrospective | Part of “The Classics of Russian Photography” Program
When I see the future, I close my eyes: Chapter II